Self-Doubt Kills Dreams

An expert in your field or starting a new career. A shared obstacle is that most face self-doubt. You may feel you don't belong or that your work doesn't measure up. But you're in good company. Many wrestle with self-doubt before making history. Sometimes it's our doubts and anxieties that push us to accomplish greatness.

John Steinbeck - thought he was a fraud as an author.

Michelangelo - told the Pope he was not good enough to paint the Sistine Chapel.

After being elected, President George Washington - told the Supreme Court, "I greatly apprehend that my countrymen will expect too much from me."

John F. Kennedy - once told a friend that his older brother Joe Jr. was far smarter than he was.

After his success at the 1860 state Republican Convention, Abraham Lincoln told the lieutenant governor of Illinois, "I am not well," referring to his depression.

Da Vinci - wrote in his diaries, "Tell me if I ever did a thing."

Van Gogh - struggled with self-doubt. He once told a friend, "If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."

The other common trait they all had was the ability to push through that self-doubt. When self-doubt creeps in, keep pushing or painting as Van Gogh would have it.

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Hard Easy


What if I told you there are two ways to live: Easy Hard or Hard Easy? Would you rather live an easy life now—eat whatever you want, buy whatever your heart desires, avoid the tough conversations that can come with true human connection—and deal with the consequences later?. Or would your life be better in the future—meaning, would you rather be healthier, have financial security,. have better relationships, and have a sense of peace and fulfillment in your life—if you tackled the hard decisions now?


Don’t Just Manage...Lead!

don't just manage...lead-photo

In Don’t Just Manage—Lead! you’ll learn what it takes to become an effective leader, someone who will help guide and motivate others to achieve success. Art F. Coombs, the Utah based author and CEO, provides the most comprehensive and authoritative account of a true leader’s life and career. Loaded with heartfelt, real life experiences of what it takes to lead thousands of employees, Coombs presents his journey from business student to corporate CEO. With these real-world examples, he shows how true leaders can influence behavior, shape goals, and encourage the very best from others.

Human Connection


Today, the world needs human connection more than ever. It needs people who strive for deeper relationships, not just surface recognition, who come at life with the enthusiasm, energy, and excitement that bind people together. These people have a powerful impact on all around them. Leadership guru Art Coombs combines fresh perspectives, profound experience, engaging information, and unforgettable stories into a simple formula that will result in rich connections as you live, laugh, learn, love, and lead those who mean the most to you. Begin today to live the authentic, abundant life you were meant to as you build and shape the connections that change everything.

Picture of Art

During the past twenty-five years, Art has worked in leadership positions with a number of global firms and their call/BPO centers worldwide. Currently president and CEO of KomBea Corporation, Art has served for more than a dozen years developing and marketing tools that blend human intelligence and automation to improve call center phone interactions. Art has also served as executive vice president of business development and strategic initiatives for First-Source; CEO and founder of Echopass Corporation (the world’s premier contact center hosting environment, which was acquired by Genesys for about $110 million); CEO of Sento Corporation; and managing director and VP of European business development for Sykes Enterprises.
Art is a widely-published author of methodologies for BPO/contact centers, outsourcing, customer service, and technical support, and has served in leadership positions at Hewlett-Packard, VLSI Research, and RasterOps.